Clinic FAQ

Book a consultation

How long do I have to wait to commence as a new patient?

From 2024 we are introducing two options to commence treatment –

A – email support only for the first 3-5 follow ups – first case analysis within 2-3 weeks of the clinic receiving your completed health proforma and facial photos – follow up via email until the clinic schedule and your time zone allow for live phone or video call consultations to be booked. This may take 3-5 follow up cycles depending on clinic availability. Email consultations are as successful as in person consultations.

B – in person (Skype or phone) contact for first and follow-up consultations

  • First case analysis (from photos and health proforma) – remedy taken 4 weeks approx
  • Follow up in person – currently 4+ month waiting list

What type of results do you get?

The majority of patients (between 70% and 80%) experience moderate to very successful results within four visits. Over a six month period 90%+ of children are markedly improved.

What type of experience do you have?

Grant Bentley has more than 30 years experience and has taught world-wide. He is the key researcher of the Homeopathic Facial Analysis method (HFA) and has written five books. More info

What type of illnesses/conditions do you treat?

Homeopathy is known for treating numerous conditions from acute to chronic. Our clinic specialises in chronic illnesses such as depression, anxiety, autism, ADHD, PANDAS, chronic fatigue, allergies, food intolerances, behavioural disorders, sleep disorders, respiratory disorders, digestive disorders, skin problems, migraines, chronic infections and more. Treatment IS NOT medical nor conditions based. The patient is given an energy and where it resonates, patients become more healthy. Diagnosis of conditions must be made with your medical practitioner. A diagnosis is not necessary for Homeopathic treatment. If you would like to know about any other condition please contact us.

Are you a recognised and qualified practitioner?

Yes, Grant Bentley is a qualified Naturopath and Homeopath.

Do you just use Homeopathy?

The main form of treatment is with Homeopathic remedies but diet and lifestyle issues will be addressed where they are impacting on the patient’s health. Occasionally Naturopathic treatments may be advised too.

Why is HFA (Homeopathic Facial Analysis) an important part of the treatment?

HFA has revolutionized the way constitutional deep acting Homeopathic remedies are found for patients.  Facial structure is a key diagnostic to narrowing down remedy choices from hundreds of remedies to as few as six to ten. HFA uses traditional Homeopathic methodology (miasm and totality) to bring about deep acting healing responses in both adults and children.

What does HFA mean to me?

HFA stands for Homeopathic Facial Analysis. As part of the consultation process you will be asked to have someone else take a series of photos (nine in total) from different angles that highlight your facial structure. From 2024 we will be introducing a video option which should significantly help in the diagnostic process. You will be sent specific instructions on how to do this. Where a patient (usually a child) is very restless or reluctant to co-operate, we have instructions to help provide the facial information. ABOUT HFA.

How long do I have to wait for an appointment?

The waiting time varies – we attempt to fit in new patients as early as we can. The first remedy is chosen 5-6 weeks prior to the first email, Skype or phone appointment. We have introduced a fast track system where all communication is via email until the clinic schedule and your time zone allow for live phone or video call consultations to be booked.

How regular are appointments?

Follow up appointments are generally scheduled at four to five weekly intervals until the case is stable and then stretched to six, eight and twelve weeks. Where patients become stable for extended periods (dependent on their condition) it is common to not need treatment for periods of three months or more.

How much does treatment cost?

VCCH Homeopathy Clinic Fees and Guidelines

How much notice must I give before changing an appointment?

We appreciate at least 48 hours notice for a change of appointment. We ask that you check the time we offer you as soon as you receive your remedy instruction email and let us know if this time suits you. If the appointment doesn’t work for you the sooner you contact us, the easier it will be to find a time that suits you. We do charge cancellation fees for less than 48 hours (50% fee) and less than 24 hours notice (100% fee).

How is the appointment conducted?

The appointment is conducted by email, video call or phone including for Melbourne based patients. Phone calls will be made to you – no extra charges apply.

Can I request a specific appointment time?

Yes, where possible we try to fit in with your time schedule. Appointments are conducted as follows –

  • Australia – Tuesday to Thursday 9 am till 5 pm
  • USA/Canada – Monday to Wednesday evenings
  • Europe – Tuesday to Thursday early mornings or late evenings
  • Asia – Tuesday to Thursday morning to mid afternoon

Can I speak with Grant Bentley prior to treatment?

We are sorry but speaking with Grant prior to a booked appointment is not available. If you would like to ask any questions either to Grant or to the clinic training manager in general before commencing treatment, you can send an email with your query. Note that Classical Homeopathy can improve a patient’s general well being and health, which in turn can lead to healing in many areas and for many conditions – even where a patient is taking medication (we will never ask you to change your medication – this is between you and your doctor). Although the clinic does a lot of work with Pandas children, Grant also treats adults of any age with any condition. Please contact us to check or see booking information here.

What sort of Homeopathic protocol do you follow?

Grant Bentley is a classical Hahnemannian practitioner which means every case is looked at individually. He uses facial analysis to determine the dominant miasm or defence mechanism of the patient, and the totality of symptoms to choose the best single remedy. Only one remedy is prescribed at a time except in special circumstances. No matter what the condition, there are no pre-set remedies chosen as individualized Homeopathy works more effectively than protocols.

How do I get my remedy?

In Australia the remedy will be sent to you at no extra charge (included with regular appointments)

Outside Australia  remedies can be secured from Homeopathic pharmacies world-wide. Remedies are usually under $20 each plus postage. Many pharmacies have overnight services. We can advise the closest pharmacy to you. Only one remedy is chosen per appointment and often the same remedy is used for a few months. Occasionally a backup remedy will be suggested along with the main remedy.

If I need to contact you with questions between appointments are you available?

Yes, you can email at any time with questions. The clinic provides acute remedy choices between appointments if required. We usually get an answer to you the same working day and almost always within 24 hours Monday to Friday (Australian time). Where possible, we provide assistance on weekends. This service is provided at no extra charge to a maximum of 3 emails between scheduled appointments as part of your ongoing treatment plan – where you have ongoing follow up consultation booked at an interval as suggested by your practitioner. Where follow up consultations are pushed out (by the patient) further than 2 weeks beyond the requested interval, an extra charge will apply to extra email treatment suggestions between follow up consultations.

Are the remedies safe to take with conventional medications?

Yes. Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic and non-chemical. They are energy extracts from natural substances and do not interfere with conventional medications at all. We always ask you to manage and monitor all conventional medications with your medical doctor.

Do you insist on conventional medications being stopped before treatment?

Never. It is important to remain on your current medications and only to reduce or withdraw them under the advice of your prescribing medical doctor. The Homeopathic remedies will still work effectively even if you are already on prescribed medications. Once your health stabilizes, you can work with your medical doctor to reduce and/or remove your medications. It is not safe to remove prescribed medications without proper advice.

If I experience any acute illnesses between my regular appointments can you help me?

Yes. We provide advice for acute treatment between your regular consultations up to three emails. If there is any doubt about your presenting symptoms, you will also be asked to attend a local medical service. You will be advised which Homeopathic remedy to take along with conventional treatment.  This service is provided at no extra charge to a maximum of 3 emails as part of your ongoing treatment plan where you have an ongoing follow up consultation at an interval as suggested by your practitioner. Where follow up consultations are pushed out (by the patient) further than 2 weeks beyond the requested interval, an extra charge will apply to extra treatment suggestions between the follow up consultations.

Do you treat patients who don’t speak English?

Yes. Where the patient doesn’t speak English, the consultation can still be held with the help of a friend or relative who can interpret. Even where the non-English speaking patient is located in another part of the world, a three-way Skype consultation is effective in conducting the consultation and choosing the right treatment.

Can I speak with other people who have used your services?

Please contact us to be put in contact with patients who will talk independently with you about their treatment. We do not advertise and all bookings are via word of mouth referrals.

Are you available to treat all family members?

Yes. It is common and helpful for all family members to get treatment.  When everyone in the same home is in balance and healthy, it is easier for each member to maintain better health both physically and emotionally.

Are there discounts for whole families?

We charge the same rate for all patients as each case requires its own care and attention. If you are having financial difficulties please discuss with your practitioner if require financial support. In special circumstances we do provide discounts.

Does my child or elderly parent need to participate in the Skype sessions?

It is helpful during the first consultation for the child or elderly patient to be on Skype for a few minutes especially where there are some questions regarding the facial analysis. But otherwise, consultations can be conducted on their behalf as long as the parent or supporting family member understands the health problems of the patient and can answer questions about symptom presentation and has permission to do so.

How do I take my remedy?

We send out instructions on how to take your remedy with your consultation case management notes.

Instructions for taking remedies

As well as consultation instructions, you can ask at any time if you have a query about how to take your remedy.

Do I have to change any eating or drinking habits or take special precautions when taking my remedy?

We only suggest changes to eating or drinking as part of your case management advice if these environmental factors may be upsetting your health. These suggestions are not linked to how you take remedies. Your practitioner will be specific about which remedy, which potency, and how often to take the remedy. Issues such as liquid or pill are in your instructions but don’t matter except for personal preference. Some Homeopaths are concerned about timing with taking remedies or stopping coffee/toothpaste etc. VCCH does not followed these untested theories. Frequency and potency instructions are important. Information will be on your case management notes, after your appointment.

Book a consultation