Russell Brand

We have looked at Russell’s facial analysis – from online images and videos – Russell has done a lot of work! See a sample of his face below. HFA has 75 facial features that are used to rate which color group people belong to. Russell has 20 rateable features.

Yellow energy – 7-8 features

Red energy – 4 features

Blue energy – 7-8 features


Where an energy is 1 feature less than, or equal to the leading group of features, it joins the other energies. If a feature is 2 or more behind the leading group, it is not dominant enough to be included.

From the facial analysis, Russell would belong to the Green Group

Qualities of Green people

The 2 universal energies of Yellow and Blue, interact with each to form a dual energy cycle. Green people are often innovative with their ability to go outwards (Yellow) but also look within (Blue). Reactivity is a core theme of Green – avoiding reaction, seeking reaction, sudden reaction and a generalised sensitivity. Often alert, Green people will tune in quickly to the energy of others and empathise or capitalise, depending on the moment and their overall drive. Seeking stimulation is a common trend with Green people and linked to overcharged adrenals. The positive of seeking stimulation is the desire to learn and to communicate. Many great thinkers and communicators are driven by Green energy. An excellent memory allows for quick thinking and responses and adds to the ability to learn at a deep level. Many Green people are conceptual thinkers but also love to party and use stimulants like alcohol. They can be happy-go-lucky and always on the move – changing from one idea to the other. Often discontent, they seek freedom and can feel trapped by conventions, leading to defiance and general contrariness. Green people may live for the moment but at the same time, it is common to see high levels of detail and quality in the work they do.

In balance

When their personal energy is flowing well, Green people can regenerate quickly and create service for themselves and others. They are often driven and have strong ideals. They will practice and promote learning and communication above all other ideals.

Out of balance

When personal energy is poor, Green people often become contrary and discontent. Changeable moods will make them seem unpredictable to others and this will put a strain on relationships. Verbally, Green people are often extremely astute but when out of balance, this skill may be used to attack others rather than to promote good communication. Green people can be either slow or fast learners – depending on whether the topic interests them. Being labelled an idiot is common, yet in their chosen field they can be close to genius.

Green life theme

Russell Brand

Controversy has been the signature theme of Russell’s life. Seeking reactions in others, by pushing them as far as he can.

Seeking stimulation through addiction to either substances or topics is also part of Russell’s life theme. Sex, drugs and even pursuing the spiritual life are part of a driving force to always do and learn more.

Being a great communicator is part of his natural talent. Being funny, sharp, witty and fast, adds to Russell’s general appeal and it is common for Green people to be very much liked by others.

Having a razor-sharp mind is common to Green people, making them most suited to comedy and politics. This quick mind allows for rapid, critiquing of a situation, but will also generate criticism from others, which in turn can lead to anger and destruction.

Bringing down conservative structure is a common Green theme. Through destruction comes rebuilding; a phoenix rising from the ashes. However, destruction is a painful path for change.

Naivety is commonly seen in Green people of both sexes. Not seeing the world for what it truly is but desiring a Shangri-la existence that is unlikely to occur, is both a desirable yet unrealistic state for a Green person. Calling for a conscious revolution, whilst ideologically sound, doesn’t cater for the selfish drive that is the foundation of all human existence.

Russell Brand – “more idiot than savant” (J Smith) is an observation that is cutting, but at some level true. The extreme ends of being incredibly clever but disturbingly naive, is seen in the polar opposites of being driven by outward and inward motion together.

A life ruled by addiction, followed by recovery, acknowledges the change within Russel’s relationship with himself, that is part of having two opposite energies dominate the one person.

General energy concepts

Energy is the basis of all focus and happiness. Without balanced energy, individuals will struggle to know themselves and find themselves, and most importantly, manage themselves.

Rubrics for Russell Brand*

  • Critical – mind
  • Loquacious – mind
  • Childish – mind
  • Restless – general

Remedies from the Green group (Tubercular group) that match these four rubrics

Tuberculinum, Phosphorus, Aconite

*It is always desirable to find some general rubrics associated with a patient’s relationship to their immediate environment (weather, temperature, food/drink, times, cycles etc) to put together a complete repertorisation. A complete repertorisation will contain one or two very strong and observable behaviours and four or five generals. The peak generals are modalities associated with symptoms/pathology and or the patient’s relationship with their environment.

Creating balanced energy – self-management

  • Proper sleep – 7-9 hours of deep comfortable sleep and at regular times
  • Fresh air – underrated but extremely important – air from nature – close to trees and water, mountains and the sea – is energetically important
  • Natural whole foods – knowing what your body likes, and more importantly which food it thrives on (different ways of eating suit different people)
  • Movement – from moderate to even-paced – extremes of always sitting/lying or extreme exercise, can lead to exhaustion and be counter-productive. Understanding and actioning the movement/rest cycle that suits you best
  • Meditation – being still and knowing yourself
  • Community/relationship – being around people you enjoy, with common interests – sharing and contributing
  • Work – being grateful for the ability to work and acknowledging how that work supports you in life

Help from others

  • Counselling – helpful for many but more often for women. Many men (not all), prefer diversion and action to talking. Knowing who you are means seeking help that is truly helpful to you.

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