Soul & Survival

The Victorian College of Classical Homœopathy (VCCH) was established in 1989 in Melbourne, Australia. Grant Bentley and his partner Louise Bentley began their research into facial structure and miasmatic prescribing in 1999. The concept of miasms was first suggested by Homeopathic founder Samuel Hahnemann in 1828. Hahnemann was sure there was some underlying factor to both the patient and the remedy that needed to be understood to get the best acting remedy for the patient. His ideas were only partly formed by the time of his death in 1843, and in the following 180 years more than 200 interpretations of what he might have meant have been developed under the titles of miasmatic theory. Many of these ideas are taught at undergraduate or postgraduate level but although Grant was aware of a number of the more popular – and had tested them in his clinic – he was not satisfied in their outcomes in the clinic.

Homeopathic Facial Analysis (HFA) was born in 1999 when Grant focused his attention on the works of JH Allen, HA Roberts and Donald Foubister – all of whom made reference to miasms influencing facial structure. This idea was explored with every clinical patient and with the help of his partner Louise a working model was developed. This model was written about in Appearance and Circumstance in 2003. A further six books about the influence of HFA and how to learn HFA have been written including Soul & Survival.

Soul & Survival is the philosophy behind the HFA system. It is an extraordinary template that explains who we are via a survival instinct blueprint that we inherited at birth. This survival instinct (miasm, defence mechanism, survival blueprint) explains the behaviours we automatically resort to when we are under stress. These responses can be either positive or negative depending on how balanced our energy is. The HFA clinic shows us this process in action. A correctly chosen Homeopathic remedy that matches a patients facial structure and totality of symptoms supports balanced energy. A deeper understanding of Soul & Survival principles leads to a knowledge of ourselves that is both simple and profound.

VCCH is a leading researcher in Homeopathy and has established a unique world-first system in using the concept of genetic inheritance (miasms) with facial feature analysis. This work has now been published by the principal, Grant Bentley, in his booksAppearance and Circumstance, Homeopathic Facial Analysis, Soul & Survival, How Aphorism 27 Changed The World and PANDAS: reaching out – a natural and homeopathic approach and by Louise Bentley in her books The HFA Workbook and HFA in the Clinic:Success & Strategy.

What is Soul & Survival

About you

How does Soul & Survival work?

Survival strategies

The face

The colours

More about Homeopathic Facial Analysis (HFA)