Homeopathic Facial Analysis

(HFA) is a Homeopathic methodology developed since 1999. The research has been directed by Grant Bentley principal of the Victorian College of Classical Homeopathy in Melbourne, Australia.

HFA embraces Hahnemannian principles and extends upon them by including the analysis of facial features to find each patient’s dominant miasm. A miasm is interpreted as a defence mechanism which is determined by the patients internal energy as based on Hahnemann’s three primary miasms. HFA renews the concept of a miasm from a disease to an energetic defence mechanism that is enabled during times of stress to protect the host. However, like all organic systems when the host is too stressed the defence mechanism may fail resulting in chronic illness. When a Homeopathic remedy (healing energy) is introduced to the system an energetic rebalance and healing occurs.

The remedy must have two aspects in common with the out of balance patients and their stressed system.

  • Totality of symptoms
  • Defence mechanism response ( miasm in classical terms)

Totality is determined through repertorization and defence mechanism via facial structure.

Miasms – using universal laws to unlock cases

HFA online training


The universe is comprised of three fundamental forces

  • Outward motion (sun energy or Hahnemann’s psora)
  • Circular motion (cyclic energy or Hahnemann’s sycosis)
  • Inward motion (gravitational energy or Hahnemann’s syphilis)

These forces dwell within every individual in various combinations of dominance. They can be read via the shape and structure of facial features. Our internal defense mechanism (miasm) is an indwelling unseen force whilst our facial features are an external physical manifestation of the same force/s.

HFA is a reproducible and consistent way of applying homeopathic principles for the treatment of chronic illness. HFA practitioners report success rates of 80%+ across a range of functional pathologies and rates of 50% and higher for structural pathologies. 

It is important to note that a well chosen Homeopathic remedy that resonates to the patients totality of symptoms, does not act directly on the illness or pathology but enhances the energy of the patient which in turn affects the system resulting in improved health.


  1. Law of similars
  2. Potentized remedy
  3. Remedies known through provings
  4. Remedy selected by totality of symptoms
  5. Totality remedy cross matched to miasm (The Chronic Diseases)
  6. Stronger suppressing the weaker (dominance theory applied to facial structure)
  7. Single remedy
  8. Repeated doses (Organon 6th ed)


  • Case taking – focus on totality & generals
  • Case analysis – select rubrics from generals with focus on impact and mental rubrics under specific conditions
  • Repertorization with every case – using objective symptoms (Boenninghausen method)
  • Dominant miasm determined by facial analysis
  • Remedies selected from repertorization which belong to the dominant miasm of the patient
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