Dr Sandy Dinsdale
Dr Sandy Dinsdale FRNZCGP RC Hom
I am a medical graduate from Otago University in New Zealand. My career in general practice began in 1991, and five years later my interest in Homeopathy was sparked when I observed extraordinary wound healing in a patient using Homeopathy. During my training I soon discovered that the basic principles of Homeopathy align well with primary care medicine. Homeopathy is very safe and can be used in a complementary way alongside conventional medicine for most health problems. After completing a Diploma in Homeopathy in 2003, I practised homeopathy within general practice and at times separate from my medical work. Early in 2021 I decided to suspend my medical registration to enable me to focus fully on homeopathy.
Homeopathic Facial Analysis (HFA) is a modern research based method of classifying an individuals susceptibility to stress and disease. It streamlines the process of finding well matched homeopathic remedies for people of all ages, and produces consistent results. HFA is now my preferred method of homeopathic prescribing for people with persisting or chronic health problems.
Based on the historical work of Dr Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathy, HFA expands Hahnemanns three original groups (miasms) to include four complex groups. The seven groups of inherited stress response are brought to life in the book, Soul & Survival which has been written to inform the general public. Author, Grant Bentley captures the essence of Hahnemann’s observations regarding chronic disease and illustrates how evolution influences disease expression for an individual. HFA provides a rational perspective of the human condition in sickness and in health, and brings the art and science of Homeopathy forward into the 21st Century.