Ellen Kire
CF Hom
Ellen lived with her family in rural Maine but has now moved to New Mexico. She has more than 15 years of experience in classical Homeopathy. She has completed all HFA courses offered by the Victorian College of Classical Homoeopathy with Grant Bentley, including both the 2010 and 2011 Homoeopathic Facial Analysis and Soul and Survival Principles online courses. In 2012 Ellen hosted an HFA seminar for Grant and Louise in Portland, Maine. She graduated in 2011 with a certificate in Foundations of Classical Homeopathy from the Caduceus Institute of Classical Homeopathy, CF Hom.
Ellen has used HFA exclusively since 2009 for treating children, teens, and adults. By applying the principles of Homeopathic Facial Analysis, she has been successful in treating animals as well. She has a BS in Forestry from the University of New Hampshire and is a member of the National Center for Homeopathy, the Maine Association of Homeopaths and is a group coordinator in Maine for Science of Spirituality. Her other interests include organic gardening, kayaking, and meditation.