HFA course FAQ


What is the nature of the HFA courses?

The courses are a specialist in nature and suited to students or practitioners of homeopathy, naturopathy or other alternative modalities who want to learn the Homeopathic Facial Analysis method as well as an introduction or review of homeopathic principles and their clinical application. If you have a basic knowledge of homeopathy or have read enough to have a strong interest, these courses are also suitable – contact the college to discuss.

Is there a course for non-Homeopaths?

Yes, we have an introductory course for those who are new to Homeopathy. It is a short 10 class course that take just under 8 hours to complete. And the Advanced practitioner course is written so anyone who has done the introductory course, will be able to follow easily. We recommend even fully trained homeopaths to take this course as it is a strong refresher of the important fundamentals and an introduction to facial analysis.

Intro to Homeopathy & HFA (level 1)
This course will lead you into the next level

Advanced Homeopathy & HFA (level 2)

When does the live course commence?

Our courses are all pre-recorded and available online.

Can I follow the course at my own pace?

Yes, you can view the classes at any time.

Are there any exams?

No, the course is a self-learning package.

Will I receive a certificate?

Once the course is completed each participant will receive a letter of completion. Students must contact the college once they have finished the course to receive their letter of completion/certificate.

Is the course accredited?

The online courses are run by the Victorian College of Classical Homeopathy – a private Homeopathic college that has been running in Melbourne, Australia since 1989. The courses are specialist training modules designed for both students, practitioners and lay practitioners. Contact your Homeopathic association for professional development points on submission of the course certificate. Contact our college for information to pass on to your college or association where requested. The course is accepted by Aroh and CHC for ongoing training and professional development points. While the content of our courses is thorough and leads to clinical competency, at under 50 hours, will not meet full accreditation requirements (2000+ hours)

Does the college only accept homeopaths to the course?

HFA is a new way of looking at and using homeopathy, so it is suited to all levels of student. The course is suited to students of homeopathy, practitioners of homeopathy, self-trained homeopaths, naturopaths and kinesiologists with some homeopathic training and non-practitioners who want to learn more about homeopathy. The college accepts all these groups – please contact the college to discuss your suitability.

Our short introductory course is suited to everyone and a great refresher for all homeopaths plus an introduction to HFA.

Can I ask questions about the course?

Yes, you can ask questions by emailing us at the college.

I have never done online training before – will there be help in how to access the recorded classes?

Yes, VCCH offers technical support for all aspects of the course – this is included in the price of the course – accessing the training site and viewing recorded classes and cases. You can contact us by email at any time – we try to get your problems sorted out within 1- 3 days. (Most participants experience little or no problems, but this is dependent on your computer system)

What type of computer and system do I need to participate?

Any current computer with internet access will allow you to view the classes.

How much do the courses cost?

Current prices.

Is there a refund policy?

Yes, if you are unhappy with the course within 14 days after purchase you will be given a full refund. You must make your request in writing (contact us) to the college.

What is the benefit of doing all the courses?

HFA is an integrated system based on facial analysis. It comprises new ways of looking at miasms, how to read the face, how to take a case using simple and effective techniques, easy case analysis and simple repertorization, posology based on energy principles and tips on case management. Each class builds on the preceding class, leading to the understanding and ability to use the HFA model with clinical success.

Why should I do the introductory course first?
The Introduction to Homeopathy & HFA course is a great refresher for all students – even fully qualified homeopaths and an excellent introduction into learning HFA.

The Advanced Practitioner course has the latest case management tips (2021) and is modelled on the 2011 HFA foundation course but has shorter classes and takes 30 hours to complete.

I cannot afford the course due to the economy of my country or my personal circumstances – does the college offer any assistance?

The college does offer further discounts, subsidised books and in some cases free places on the course. Please contact the college for a submission form. VCCH will fully or partially subsidise the course for homeopaths in third world countries or those who run free clinics to poor communities if they meet submission criteria.

Do I need books?

Yes, you must purchase the two HFA books – The HFA Workbook and HFA in the clinic: Success & Strategy – which contain all instructions for HFA in the clinic (no philosophy). Books can be purchased through your local homeopathic book supplier or via Amazon. Most students choose to purchase Soul & Survival too – this book explains the philosophy behind the system and can be shared with or sold to your patients.

Do I need any other resources to practice HFA?

Yes, you need a repertory program. Whilst a repertory book can be used, this will add hours of time to case analysis. We recommend Homeopathic repertory software (to work out which remedies cover the symptoms of the case – called repertorization). HFA remedy filters are currently available through Complete Dynamics and Radar Opus.

How long do I have access to the courses for?

Your purchase price includes access to the intro course for 4 months and the advanced course for 8 months from the point of purchase. This allows for 10 classes (Introduction to Homeopathy & HFA) and 40 classes (Advanced Practitioner). Should you wish to access for longer than this period the college can arrange for a small charge.

Can I download the classes to my computer?

No, the classes are streamed from a website and cannot be downloaded. Classes contain private patient cases which cannot be copied and shared. It is part of your agreement as a student not to share any part or the entire course with others – in particular to respect the privacy of patients.

Can I have a copy of the power point presentations?

No, these presentations contain private patient cases and are only viewable through recorded classes streamed from a website.

How long does it take to learn how to be accomplished at facial analysis?

Everyone learns at a different pace but on average once you have tested your skills on 20-50 patients most students have solid competency. Some faces (around 10-20%) are naturally challenging – even for experienced HFA practitioners. Good photos make a difference and this skill is taught in the online classes.

Are there any mentoring services?

Yes, we offer mentoring sessions (usually 1-1.5 hours studying your cases/faces) via video conferencing. Prices are $100/hr enrolled students $130/hr other with 10% gst included – Australian students.

Are there any other resources?

Yes, see the following

  • HFA Reps – check for a rep in your country
  • Facial analysis service – the college offers a facial analysis service as part of one-on-one mentoring for students only or as part of consultations
  • Case support – students can use their own cases for mentoring/training sessions and will receive advice on miasm choice, repertorizing and case management.

Is there any facial analysis software available?

Yes, the professional facial analysis wizard is available to help with learning – the program is currently available through Complete Dynamics and costs 200 euros for a lifetime download. You can access and operate the facial analysis wizard through either the free CD software or the professional CD software.