If someone has both recessed lids as well as upturned eyes, does that count for 2 points

Yes, where a feature has two (or sometimes three) miasmatic indications each is counted. For example – a chin that is defined (blue), has a ball (red) and a cleft (red) = B1R2. Another example is a hairline that is high (blue) and has a widows peak (yellow) = Y1B1. Where the eyes have recessed lids (blue) and are upturned in their shape (blue) this would be 2 blue points = B2.

If someone has bad acne, would that be an additional red point or would you just use that to confirm a red miasm?

  • We don’t use pathology any more to rate the features. Dryness and even moles may be present but are not rated. The only skin feature we rate is freckles (yellow).

I can’t tell when a bridge is full or indented.

  • Homeopathic Facial Analysis was written to help determine these parameters. A bridge of the nose is the area between the centre of the eyebrows and the commencement of the nose. It can either be unrated (normal shape) or full/straight (red) or indented (blue). See pages 58-61 of HFA. In our new book (2021) The HFA Workbook, the bridge is divided into both shape and distance and then the points are co-joined. Full/straight is red1, close/indented is blue1, while full/indented is red1blue1.

I can’t decide if eyes are close-set, wide-set or just normal.

  • Homeopathic Facial Analysis was written to help determine these parameters. Pages 62-81 of HFA give examples of all the eyes we have seen to date with their miasmatic classifications. An updated version of this book is The HFA Workbook. In reference to close-set eyes, we had originally tried to find a percentage variation but now realize that it is an overall look determine by the size and shape of not only the eyes but also the width and length of the face and nose too. There is a basic formula for wide-set eyes. The HFA Workbook (2021) has a section which details how to measure eyes.

How do I rate features like for eg. teeth? Lets say I’ve got a patient that has: crossed over front teeth,sharp, pointed teeth,crooked teeth,an overbite and teeth facing inwards. (the whole combination of lips, teeth, jaw is also asymmetrical). Does this person get 1 separate BLUE point for each of the tooth-features, i.e. 5 BLUE points in total for his teeth, or does he just get 1 or 2 points because as a whole, the dental structure shows BLUE features?

  • We have never seen five points of the same colour in one area of the face. The overbite (although grouped with teeth) is formed due to jaw misalignment and will always rate on its own = 1 point. The crossed over teeth rate on their own in an otherwise non crooked set of teeth but in this case where there are crossed teeth and crooked teeth we would tend to put the two together and give 1 point. The sharp pointed teeth will rate on their own if they are very distinct. The inward nature of the teeth will rate on their own if they are very distinct (especially where more than half the teeth turn in). So the total number of blue features in the teeth area will be from 2-4 depending on the distinction of the sharp/pointed and the inward teeth. The asymmetry will rate at one point per two features for blue.



How often do facial features change during the Homeopathic treatment if at all?

Facial features will change over a person’s lifetime but only in accordance with that person’s dominant miasm. As we mature, features undergo changes. Some examples –

  • Baby teeth to adult teeth
  • Freckles disappearing to be replaced by lines that are psoric

Through examining photos taken years earlier, we can see that the dominant miasm is the same throughout life. Even if a miasmatic feature disappears or changes in form, another feature of the same miasm will take its place.

Does a miasm remain the same over a lifetime?

  • A miasm is a programmed instinct that determines our responses to stress. It is part of our genetic make-up and operates as a defence mechanism, and remains the same throughout our life.

What impacts can change the dominant miasm?

  • The dominant miasm cannot be changed. Any external impact that is strong enough to affect us, will do so in accordance with our dominant miasm.

There are different ways to identify a miasm e.g food preferences/aversions. How do they correspond with your system? Are there any contradictions? What are your preferences?

  • Although there are tendencies towards types of pathologies or food preferences/aversions in each miasm they are not exclusive. Therefore they cannot be used to accurately predict an individual’s dominant miasm. We always use facial analysis as the only way to correctly identify a patient’s dominant miasm.

Distribution of remedies by miasms – what sources of information do you use?

  • This method is based on Hahnemann’s theory of psora, sycosis and syphilis. Pre-existing knowledge of remedies that matched these miasms was used as a starting point. These remedies were tested in the clinic against the patient’s facial features. Further remedies were trialled by comparing their qualities (hypo – psora, hyper – sycosis, dysfunction – syphilis) to the traditionally classified remedies (eg Sulphur, Thuja, Mercury). These remedies were trialled and found to be effective to patients of the same dominant miasm. This process is dependant on the accuracy and completeness of the materia medicas. Smaller remedies can only be classified through trial and error and finally confirmed by clinical results. See HFA remedies.

According to your method, we’ve indentified the dominating miasm of the patient as psoric (Y = 9, R = 2, B = 5) but according to his (her) behaviour, lifestyle, evolution of pathology, skin eruptions etc the patient is in the aggressive sycotic miasm. How can you explain such a mismatch? And what miasm are we to deal with – psora or sycosis?

  • Facial features (correctly analysed) ALWAYS supercede any interpretation we make upon the patient’s behaviour, pathology or lifestyle. If you have correctly analysed the nine psoric features, then your patient is psoric no matter how much “sycosis” you can see in the case.

In assessment of facial features to determine a miasm, we start doubting what particular features to include. We saw that two different doctors can provide different assessments, which affects the end result. So we see a very subjective opinion of a doctor. What can be done about it?

  • Facial analysis is no different to case analysis. It takes practice. Deciding which features to include will become easier after you have examined at least fifty faces. It is helpful to work with at least one other practitioner. HomÅ“opathic Facial Analysis was written to help by providing set parameters but the practitioner must still learn these thoroughly. This book is currently being translated into Russian and will be available in early 2007. We teach our students facial analysis from year two of their studies. Initially only 50% of students will determine the correct miasm – by year four (200 faces on) the rate is 95%.

What are your criteria in the selection of high and low potencies? How do you prescribe remedies in solutions?