Homeopathy dosing

Which type of remedy

Liquid – pills – pilules – grains = all the same = doesn’t matter which – they are just a base to deliver the remedy (the remedy is an energy put into or onto the base)

How to give

In water OR direct from the bottle or packet = doesn’t matter which (drops are fastest – keep the stock bottle lid on tight – pill base is sugar – children like the taste – either can be given directly to tongue or dissolved in water)


Type of dosing

WATER DOSING – 1 DOSE = 1 drop or pill put into a glass or bottle of water – any amount – stir and EACH MOUTHFUL = 1 dose (a great way to extend your stock bottle and easy to give – make up a new glass or bottle EVERY day to keep water fresh)

DIRECT DOSING – 1 DOSE – 1 drop or 1 pill to the tongue. Pill suck or crunch – either is ok.


When to give

  • Morning (1 dose)
  • Over the day at intervals starting with morning (2 or more doses)
  • Around 5-10 minutes away from food but can be given with food or drink if required.


Frequency of dose

(important – follow your practitioner’s advice)

  • Once a day – 1 dose at approx same time each day – direct or water
  • Twice a day – 1 dose morning & 1 dose later in the day – direct or water
  • Three times daily – 1 dose morning, 1 dose mid afternoon (or after school), 1 dose evening – water dosing recommended
  • Four times daily – 1 dose on waking, 1 dose late morning, 1 dose mid-late afternoon, 1 dose evening – water dosing recommended
  • Every 3 waking hours – water dosing recommended
  • Every 2 waking hours – water dosing recommended
  • Every waking hour or less (rapid dosing) – water dosing recommended



  • The source of the remedy = which plant, animal or mineral the remedy is made from
  • The potency (strength) of the remedy eg 30C or 200C or 1M
  • How often the remedy is taken = the amount of doses per day = the frequency of the dose
  • The dominant miasm of the remedy matches the dominant miasm of the patient (diagnosed by facial structure)

