Homeopathy dosing – why

Use 1 drop or 1 pellet per dose – it makes your stock bottle last longer.

From a dose perspective, giving more at the same time makes no difference other than the waste. Each time you take a remedy 1,2,10,20 drops/pellets – AT THE SAME TIME – it is still one dose. Or even a small amount water (mouthful, sip, teaspoon) that one drop is dissolved in = 1 dose.

If you have purchased pellets – just use one per day – can be sucked if the patient likes the taste. This is often easier than dissolving. But a pellet dissolved in water = all the water is now remedy – and can be divided into multiple doses (great for when you get rapid dosing instructions from your practitioner). Your bottle of pellets will last longer.

Homeopathy works on resonance and frequency – not quantity. Different homeopaths (and companies) give specific drop/pellet instructions because everyone is so tuned to western medical instructions. The remedy and the potency (strength eg – 30C) chosen and the frequency given (eg – once per day) are the only important aspect. Everything else (water, number of drops, size of pills, number of pills etc) are just mediums for delivery.

Homeopathy works on resonance and frequency – not quantity. Different homeopaths (and companies) give specific drop/pellet instructions because everyone is so tuned to western medical instructions. The remedy and the potency (strength eg – 30C) chosen and the frequency given (eg – once per day) are the only important aspect. Everything else (water, number of drops, size of pills, number of pills etc) are just mediums for delivery.