Nancy Nelson
I have been a nurse for over 28 years and have loved every phase of my nursing experience.  As a Nurse Midwife I have served women and their families in all phases of their lives from “catching†babies at home, in the birth-center and hospital, and even in water. As a Hospice nurse, I have been at the bedside for many of those leaving this world.
Presently I am the Treasurer and a voting board member of the Homeopathic Nurses Association (HNA), which entails overseeing the association’s financial records and submitting monthly financial reports for the Board’s overview and approval. I am currently a Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) instructor for Kenai Peninsula College. I have served as a voting Board Member for “Traditional Healing Planning Team†for the Alaska Kenaitze Indian Tribe. I am always developing and presenting “nursing Homeopathic educational†presentation materials for nursing continuing education units.
As a semi-retired, Advanced Nurse Practitioner with prescriptive privileges (allowed to order allopathic medications), I remain active in holistic medicine with my emphasis on homeopathy for women and their families in the community. I presently own and practice a home-based, rural practice providing services for the holistic health care needs of well-women and their families, prenatal referrals for our local birth-center, and out-of-hospital Hospice needs for my community. I am well-known in my community for advocating the use and practice of Homeopathic medicine and have seen changes in Homeopathic use by my fellow nurses and medical professionals.
HFA has been part and parcel of my practice for the past 8-10 years. This little extra “symptomâ€, as I call HFA, has cut my time in half, and increased my confidence ten-fold. I see the difference in myself as a practitioner with every case.