Facial analysis software

VCCH is pleased to have partnered with Complete Dynamics one of the world’s major Homeopathic repertorization programmes to deliver the third version of HFA facial analysis software. This functional tool helps students and practitioners to attain facial analysis accuracy with confidence.

Complete Dynamics Professional Facial Analysis Wizard Software includes

  • Use from your computer – PC or Mac
  • For clinical and training use
  • Single license for lifetime of free Complete Dynamics download or practitioner edition download (recommended for repertory use – includes subscription for advanced features including patient save file) or master edition (extra functionality not required for HFA practitioners – subscription as per practitioner version)
  • Latest tips and sketches
  • Each feature will show its colour allocation
  • The user will be able to move backwards and forwards through the analysis at any time
  • Each analysis can be saved and altered or reviewed later
  • Patient analysis is linked to patient file (practitioner and master version only) – can be used with free version but no patient file link or saving

Instructions for purchase – after downloading Complete Dynamics

Help – buy license – option – HFA Bentley (200 euros single lifelong purchase)


History – old facial software –

The college developed free online facial analysis software in 2008 to support Soul & Survival and the clinical application of HFA.

The professional practitioner version of the facial analysis wizard worked between 2010 and 2020 on an Adobe Flash platform

Since 2021 Adobe Flash no longer provides software support – the free and professional HFA wizard software will only work where previously downloaded to a PC – no new downloads or Macs will work