HFA remedies

The following polychrests are used in about 80% of cases with great success. Most of these remedies are learned at year one or two level in our Homeopathic training. Often we learn them through essence pictures. For some cases these essence pictures are correct but not for every patient, so choose the remedy if both the face and the totality indicates it. Many times we have been surprised at the constitutional effectiveness of remedies such as Belladonna, Aconite and even Arnica. If we kept their essence picture in mind we wouldn’t have chosen them. Check The HFA Workbook or Appearance and Circumstance (or corresponding book – German, Russian, BJain) for the matching miasm.

With HFA every case is repertorized using four to eight rubrics. It is important to use as many generals as possible and limit the mental rubrics to what is absolutely known – not part of character but a mental aberration since stress or illness. Up until 2012 we also used repeating patterns that had already occurred in a patient’s life. We found this approach to be more effective than using feelings or interpretations that may mislead. But since using mental rubrics that are only negative changes in a patient’s demeanor following stress or illness, we are more satisfied with results.  We also use larger rubrics – 15-25 minimum remedies to 400-500 maximum remedies per rubric. These moderate to larger rubrics will draw in more remedies rather than exclude them. The facial analysis will determine which remedies to exclude and which to consider. Often there are only one or two remedies left to choose from making selection straightforward.

Aconite – Aethusa C – Allium Cepa – Agaricus – Alumina – Anacardium  Ant Crud – Apis – Arg Nit – Arnica – Arsenicum – Aurum
Bacillinum – Baryta Carb – Belladonna – Bryonia
Calc Carb – Calc Phos – Calc Fluor – Cannabis I – Cantharis – Carbo Veg – Carcinosin – Causticum – Chamomilla – Chelidonium – China – Coffea C – Cocculus I – Conium
Ferrum – Fl Ac – Graphites
Hep Sulph – Hyoscyamus
Kali Carb – Kali Bich
Lachesis – Lycopodium – Lyssin
Mag Carb – Mag Mur – Medorrhinum – Mercury – Mezereum
Nat Carb – Nat Mur – Nit Ac – Nux Vom – Opium
Petroleum – Phos Ac – Phosphorus – Platina – Plumbum – Psorinum –  Pulsatilla
Rhus Tox
Sepia – Silica – Staphysagria – Stramonium – Sulphur – Syphilinum
Tarentula H – Thuja – Tuberculinum
Veratrum Alb – Zinc


Why aren’t the remedies on this list showing their colour group?

Newly allocated remedies – see HFA extra remedies. The rest of the polychrests* above can be found in the HFA books (Appearance and Circumstance, The HFA Workbook, HFA in the clinic or the corresponding books in German, Russian or BJain – Asia/Africa). To learn more about facial analysis you can download our HFA software and start an HFA online training course or purchase the HFA books.

*Note some of the extra HFA remedies are under review as they have not yielded consistent results over the long term even though they were allocated through some original cases and feedback from other practitioners.


When the miasm project first began we determined there were seven miasms based on Hahnemann’s basic three foundation miasms (psora, sycosis, syphilis). The next major task was to test the theory using miasmatic faces with miasmatic remedies.

Initially major polychrests were confirmed such as Sulphur, Thuja and Mercury. These had been allocated to a primary miasm by Hahnemann and subsequent homœopaths and were well known and represented by many rubrics. Examination of the qualities of other polychrest remedies such as Arsenicum, Natrum Mur, Lachesis and Phosphorus allowed for their allocation to the mixed miasms (Cancer, Syco-psora, Syco-syphilis, Tubercular).

To maintain consistency other remedies were selected using the one materia medica. Phatak became the main materia medica (we commenced with some Vermuleun & Clarke) and was chosen due to the broad picture given for each remedy. Aspects of remedies such as mental themes, pathologies and anatomical areas known for their relationship to each primary miasm were used. Pathologies however weren’t always accurate (for example Silica is a remedy known for tuberculosis however it is not classified as HFA tubercular but as HFA cancer). By 2003 and the publication of Appearance and Circumstance many of the polychrests had been allocated to their dominant miasm. Later we realized through clinical testing of faces/remedies that essence pictures were incomplete for all polychrests and many remedies have been given since (with success) without a matching essence picture. This fits in with Hahnemanns advice – use the miasm as the base for remedy selection and totality for the actual selection. Hahnemann advised against spurious ways of choosing remedies and advised only using mentals as a remedy indicator as a last resort for differentiation. Using the face to determine the miasm and totality for rubric choice leads to successful remedies quickly. We have continued with this advice and placed even more emphasis on generals (as per Hahnemann’s contemporary Boenninghausen) since 2012.

Current Remedy List

The chart showing our latest work with HFA extra remedies is listed separately.  These remedies are taking longer to categorise due to –

  • Limited information
  • Biased information about them – often focused on one pathology
  • Different pictures in different materia medicas
  • The small amount of patients that respond to them

This chart is not definitive but is building towards the majority of well proven remedies being allocated to the HFA system. Confirmed results (with photo verification) would be appreciated by practitioners who are contributing to the development of HFA.

As we learn more about the themes of each miasm based on successful cases and the correlation between life stories and life attitudes, we are coming to understand each miasm more comprehensively. This understanding is also being used as an aid in categorising the smaller remedies but is not used as a clinical tool because it is too subjective. A more recent approach (since 2018) has been the attempt (partially successful) to allocate testing plant remedies via their structural appearance. Using observable energetic features/structure of the three primary miasms, we are building miasmatic data on some of the smaller plants.

Your feedback – very successful cases – with photos – would be appreciated to continue to expand this miasmatic system.